January Intention: R H Y T H M / by Richelle Ouellette

curacao boca pistol ocean

The first Monday of 2016 felt like the first day of school. I took my time planning my day and week last night, right down to the outfit I was going to wear, just as I would have before the start of a new semester. I was excited for this morning and woke up at 7am sleepy, be ready to seize the day.

Recently I have been setting a one word intention or goal for each month. My theme for January is rhythm. I like that this word conveys a certain routine, but still has a sou; a melody. Like the waves of the ocean, rhythm is constant, though it varies in tempo and intensity. It carries on. 

My personality is such that it demands a certain amount of structure -- I need a schedule, and I calendar (both digitally and analog) like a fastidious executive assistant. I set myself reminders and alerts, but within my schedule I want to find flow and flexibility. I have made a list of areas I want to focus on daily and have many ideas as to how I can accomplish each:

  • SPIRITUAL/EMOTIONAL: Meditation/yoga/journaling/gratitude
  • INTELLECTUAL: Education (ie. studying language)/reading non-fiction
  • PHYSICAL: Workout/stretch

My hope is that my intention for January will be a chorus through the year as I sing the song of my heart and align it with the song of the universe.